Simeon The Shandler

Ebenezer Adah
1 min readMay 19, 2022

My name is Simeon and I am a very troubled man.

I have lived many life times and seen empires rise and fall, the stone age and two whole dark ages.

I live with the rest of the Shandlers, deep in the heart of the Cadel Savana for so long, even I forget the days.

I am a troubled man because I constantly have visions of a world in red, the world of my master set on fire and every time above all the chaos a man I do not know

But what do I care, this world is vile and deserves judgment .

I see no reason to save the same people who casted us away like peasants, who massacred my brothers!

But underneath all the hate, I have a burning itch to take action or this will be not just the death of my enemies but…

… the death of us all.

I set out to find the man I see in my visions, the man who stands above it all, heaving and breathing endlessly fighting the shining.

The world has changed since I last saw it. I wonder…

… Is it worth saving ?

